List of Essential Internet Protocols

Some of the essential protocols that play significant roles in our daily digital interactions are given below.

ProtocolFull FormDescription
HTTPHypertext Transfer ProtocolFor web browsing.
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol SecureSecure web browsing with encryption.
FTPFile Transfer ProtocolTransferring files between computers.
FTPSFile Transfer Protocol SecureSecure file transfer.
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer ProtocolSending emails.
POPPost Office ProtocolRetrieving emails from a server.
IMAPInternet Message Access ProtocolAccessing emails on a server.
TCPTransmission Control ProtocolReliable data delivery.
UDPUser Datagram ProtocolFaster, less reliable data delivery.
XMPPExtensible Messaging and Presence ProtocolInstant messaging.
P2PPeer-to-PeerDirect communication between users.

Each protocol discussed above serves a unique purpose, contributing to the seamless operation of the internet.

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